Tweetings for Twitter 3.0

Manage Twitter profiles and materials from a Mac.
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3.0 See all
Used by 8 people
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Work with a client for controlling your Twitter from the desktop of your machine. Synchronize data related to your social media profile between multiple devices, including iPhone or iPad. Filter materials, generate contact lists, detect and tag geolocation data, etc.

Tweetings is a Twitter client for Mac OS X with an extensive feature list including lists, exclusion filters, TwitLonger, GeoLocation and syncs your timeline with your iPhone or iPad!
Follow your friends tweets, share your photos, view conversations and keep your followers up to date.
Some of the key features
- Live, real-time, updates to your home timeline, mentions and direct messages
- Display any user's tweets, mentions and favourites
- Conversation view
- Gap detection
- View twitter lists
- Sync timelines across other devices using Tweetings
- Inline image display
- Exclusion filters - Filter Tweets by keywords or screen names
- See who retweeted you are who you retweeted
- View your sent tweets
- View the mentions on any user
- Auto refreshing timeline
- Unread badge on dock icon
- Highlights: never miss a tweet matching a word or phrase
- Read it later and instapaper support for links
- Open links in the background so you don't lose your place in your timeline
- Customisable ReTweet format including new style Twitter ReTweet
- Upload pictures with support for Pic.Twitter, Twitpic, yFrog, Twitgoo, MobyPicture, TweetPhoto, Posterous and more
- Upload video
- GeoLocation support at Tweet level
- TwitLonger support when 140 characters just isn't enough
- Shorten URLs with, tinyurl, and more
- Schedule tweets within a 15 minute period
- Post to Facebook
- #nowplaying from iTunes
- Multiple accounts
- Sound notifications
- Growl notifications
- Status bar icon
- Customisable font size
- Bookmarklet support
- Global shortcut keys
- Auto-refresh timer customisation
- Search twitter
- Save searches

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