Mac users interested in Interval timer app generally download:
Tabata Clock is a clock application with countdown option. It supports also intervals. If you use the rounds-field like this 8;4 the timer will do 4 times 8 rounds with a horn sound to change exercise. Also new is the 5sec voice countdown before time is up and the large countdown showing the time.
Alarm Clock Pro is a utility that might prove to be of good use to anyone who needs to easily count time, set alarms or schedule to-dos. The program is packed with various built-in tools which help you immediately complete the aforementioned tasks.
This tool is so simple to handle that even a beginner Mac user wouldn't look for a help guide.
Activity Timer - Interval Edition is a time management tool for Mac. You will recognise how you can optimise your working productivity. The Interval Timer will notify you when you are done and when you need breaks and when a new interval starts. Configure the length of your breaks and configure freely your activities.
Alarm Clock offers users a simple time management solution. With this application, you will be able to create alarms, setup timers and stopwatches, complete with recurrent intervals. It allows you to wake up to the sound of your iTunes music, with custom volume control made available.
DSLR Shutter is designed to be a simple tool to capture long-exposure images from digital SLR cameras using their "bulb" setting. It allows you to specify the number of frames, their duration, and various delays to act as a software interval timer for your camera. It is a cross-platform application with both Windows and OS X versions
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EOS Capture allows you to control EOS Digital cameras.
with the timer or interval timer
Optimize your time by splitting your tasks into work and break sessions.
intervals - Auto-start the next...intervals separated by breaks
Utility for Mac OS X that reminds you to take breaks from typing, at intervals you specify.
typing, at intervals you onscreen
Red Hot Timer is a handy application that counts down time.
exact...multiple timers, which...timers – by selecting specific
On SALE with 50% off today! Now you can enjoy this amazing app...
breathing - breathing timer 25...EXTRA FEATURES - interval timer
This program is a simple timer tool that lives in your Menu Bar.
integrated...your custom intervals together...finished. Activity
TimerTools is an easy to use timer application for Mac.
timer, interval timer, bar timer, task timer, preset timer, percent
A fun little animated timer that sits on your desktop & makes noises when time runs out.
Retina display • Timer sizes (S, M set Timer •...chime minute Intervals (5,10
Keep track of the amount of time you spend working on your tasks.
a timer to break work...intervals of time, displays
Tomato Timer is an excellent tool that helps you with your time management.
minute intervals * * * * * * * * * *...timers
Maximize your focus and achieve your goals with a time tracking app.
menu bar timer a countdown timer, a stopwatch time intervals
Participate in a poker tournament with different poker blinds timer intervals.
poker blinds timer intervals
Set multi timers every day to organize your life better.
convenient multi timer...set...the
Intervals is a recording timer with 1/10 second accuracy.
Intervals is a recording timer with 1/...programs...the Intervals stopwatch
Works as a digital clock, a countdown timer, a stop watch, and an alarm tool.
clock, a countdown timer, a stop...a...the countdown timer, a popup