Recent activity

Installed 28 days ago
PDF Reader Pro
PDF Reader Pro - Creates new documents, edits existing ones and converts them to other formats.
AdBlock - Removes YouTube and other video ads before you see them.
Post-it® - Capture and share notes with the team without recaps or delays.
View all 7 programs
Removed 28 days ago
Post-it® - Capture and share notes with the team without recaps or delays.
Adblock Plus
Adblock Plus - Enables you to easily surf the web without annoying ads.
AdBlock - Removes YouTube and other video ads before you see them.
View all 7 programs
Installed Last month
Google Chrome
Google Chrome - Explore the web using Google's super-fast browser.
Removed Last month
Google Chrome
Google Chrome - Explore the web using Google's super-fast browser.
Installed Last month
Usage - Keep an eye on your spending, so you don't run out of credit.
Friendly Streaming
Friendly Streaming - View the latest movies online, from various platforms, on your desktop.
View all 8 programs
Removed Last month
Telegram - A desktop messenger that allows using the services of Telegram.
Friendly Streaming
Friendly Streaming - View the latest movies online, from various platforms, on your desktop.
View all 8 programs
Installed Last month
Xcode - Xcode is the complete toolset for building Mac OS X and iOS applications.
Google Chrome
Google Chrome - Explore the web using Google's super-fast browser.
Removed Last month
Google Chrome
Google Chrome - Explore the web using Google's super-fast browser.
Xcode - Xcode is the complete toolset for building Mac OS X and iOS applications.
Installed Last month
PayPal Honey
PayPal Honey - Find discounts at over 30,000 retailers online using a browser extension.
AirMail - New mail client designed for OS X 10.10 Yosemite with fast performance and intuitive interaction.
View all 8 programs
Removed Last month
AirMail - New mail client designed for OS X 10.10 Yosemite with fast performance and intuitive interaction.
BOOM 2 - Experience superior sound quality.
View all 8 programs
Installed Last month
Post-it® - Capture and share notes with the team without recaps or delays.
Pages - A document editor for formatted text that provides a Mac alternative to Word.
Hotspot Shield
Hotspot Shield - This version includes support for up to 5 Macs/PCs and 5 iOS devices for one year.
View all 10 programs
Removed Last month
Microsoft Outlook
Microsoft Outlook - Manage messages, events and tasks from a single application.
Telegram - A desktop messenger that allows using the services of Telegram.
Adblock Plus
Adblock Plus - Enables you to easily surf the web without annoying ads.
View all 9 programs
Installed Last month
AdBlock - Removes YouTube and other video ads before you see them.
Friendly Streaming
Friendly Streaming - View the latest movies online, from various platforms, on your desktop.
Whatsapp - Send messages, have group chats, and share pictures using the Whatsapp services.
View all 4 programs
Removed Last month
Friendly Streaming
Friendly Streaming - View the latest movies online, from various platforms, on your desktop.
Whatsapp - Send messages, have group chats, and share pictures using the Whatsapp services.
AdBlock - Removes YouTube and other video ads before you see them.
View all 4 programs
Installed Last month
Microsoft Defender
Microsoft Defender - Microsoft Defender is a unified online security app for work and personal life.
Microsoft PowerPoint
Microsoft PowerPoint - Create, edit, collaborate, and share presentations using PowerPoint for Mac.
Microsoft OneNote
Microsoft OneNote - Capture your thoughts, discoveries, and ideas in your very own digital notebook.
View all 6 programs
Removed Last month
Microsoft Defender
Microsoft Defender - Microsoft Defender is a unified online security app for work and personal life.
Microsoft PowerPoint
Microsoft PowerPoint - Create, edit, collaborate, and share presentations using PowerPoint for Mac.
Installed Last month
Safari - Safari 5 is a web browser made by Apple for the Mac.
Removed Last month
Safari - Safari 5 is a web browser made by Apple for the Mac.
Installed Last month
OneDrive - Upload your files to your Cloud service account and share them with the world.
Google Chrome
Google Chrome - Explore the web using Google's super-fast browser.
Removed Last month
Google Chrome
Google Chrome - Explore the web using Google's super-fast browser.
OneDrive - Upload your files to your Cloud service account and share them with the world.
Installed 2 months ago
Safari - Safari 5 is a web browser made by Apple for the Mac.
Removed 2 months ago
Safari - Safari 5 is a web browser made by Apple for the Mac.
Installed 2 months ago
Microsoft Defender
Microsoft Defender - Microsoft Defender is a unified online security app for work and personal life.
Microsoft PowerPoint
Microsoft PowerPoint - Create, edit, collaborate, and share presentations using PowerPoint for Mac.