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Installed 11 years ago
Flv Crunch
Flv Crunch - Flv Crunch is a simple video converter with great support.
FrostWire - A BitTorrent client to preview fetched files directly from its interface.
View all 4 programs
Removed 11 years ago
Installed 11 years ago
µTorrent (uTorrent)
µTorrent (uTorrent) - A (very) tiny BitTorrent client.
Removed 11 years ago
Installed 11 years ago
VoiceOver Utility
VoiceOver Utility - VoiceOver describes aloud what appears on your computer screen.
System Information
System Information - System Information provides detailed information about your computer’s hardware, software and network in an easy-to-read layout.
Migration Assistant
Migration Assistant - Simplifies the process of moving your information to another Mac.
View all 37 programs
Removed 11 years ago
Templates for Pages Pro
Templates for Pages Pro - It creates professional documents with Apple's Pages application.
View all 16 programs