Top rated in Communication

iMessage lets you send messages to anyone on a Mac, or an iPhone, iPad...

Do more than just IM with Yahoo!

Stay connected to Twitter directly from your desktop.

A chat-based workspace in Office 365 with private group conversations.

Popular and, probably, the best instant messaging client for you Mac.

Strong desktop email client with superior speed and responsiveness time.

Send messages, make video calls and stay connected with your friends.

Communicate with all of your friends personally and in group chats on your Mac just as you would with your mobile device.

Video chat/calling tool; see up to 6 friends at once.

It helps you build custom Twitter timelines on your Mac.

QQ connects you to over 600 million Chinese QQ members and many of your favorite websites and useful tools.

VoIP program which allows you to make phone calls over the internet.

Integrated functionality for instant messaging, presence, conferencing and voice.

Stay in touch with your colleagues and monitor conversations.

Powerful and efficient instant messaging client.

Spark is an open source, cross-platform instant messaging client for businesses.

iGlasses allows you to adjust and manipulate your webcam's video settings.

Traditionally, chat clients on the Mac have been anything but glamorous.

Google, Skype, Yahoo, MSN, AIM, Jabber, Facebook, SMS, Fax...

Read "winmail.dat" files and extract embedded attachments.

Please, before posting useless comments check the user's guide or support...

Supports private and group communication as well as file exchanges.

This application lets you check your Facebook profile from your Menu Bar.

A program for checking your Gmail account from your desktop.