A simple text editor that plays effects as you type.


Textreme is a simple text editor supporting Unicode. Its peculiarity is that it kind of plays with letters as you type them by using various animations.

Likewise, letters are displayed in different colors, which give it a playful appearance. Unfortunately, there is practically no help documentation about it.

The application has an extremely simplified interface with a vintage look, which reminds me those editors from the 1980s. It does not have any Menu Bar commands; instead, it depends on using functions keys, which saves a lot of screen space. Still, everything you can do is quite basic. For instance, F1 and F2 save the current document and F3 loads another file. Moreover, you can use F5 to activate Line Wrap.

Textreme is very light to download and uses very little storage space. However, it takes too long to load, which does not seem logical to me. The product is opensource and available for free. The author believes it can be further developed as an outer layer for text-based games.


  • Plays effects as you type
  • Optimizes screen space use


  • Takes too long to load
  • Very few options
Ash K and Maks Loboda
License type:
Open source
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