Shufflr 1.5

Shufflr is a social video player and browser for the Mac.


Shufflr is a social video player and browser for the Mac. It is written in Adobe Air, so it should work on Linux and Windows.

The app lets you discover videos based on topics that interest you. If you connect to the app using your Twitter account, you can even share what you are watching and see what others shared.

The first time that you run the application, you will be asked to tell the app about your interests. I selected outdoors and travel, sports, cars and bikes, and music. Shufflr then created a list of videos that it thought I would be interested in. Sadly, all those videos had nothing to do with either of my interests. There were a lot of videos of barely-dressed women, lots of those funny videos that you see on YouTube, and only a few videos about sports or outdoors.

There are different modes in which you can visualize recommendations. I liked the one where you are shown a grid of snapshots that covers the your screen. When you click on one, an animation zooms in into your video and the player pops-up. The animation is nice, but I noticed that this mode made the app a little slow.

All in all, Shufflr shows you videos from YouTube, Metacafe and other websites and it gives you recommendations based on interests and on what your friends are watching. The interface seemed a little slow, but the app worked well.


  • It grabs videos from different websites
  • Multi-platform


  • The interface seemed very slow at times
  • Suggested videos weren't really relevant for me
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