Quick Search Box 2.0

Free Quickly search the web/desktop and launch applications using this search box.
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2.0 See all
Used by 653 people
Awards: Mac Informer Editor Rating 4
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The application makes it easier to search for information on your computer, as well as the web. Don't waste your time opening way too many folders just to launch an application you would like to run. Do it quicker right from this floating window conveniently located on your desktop.

To install the program you will need to manually drag it from the uncompressed archive into your application folder. The uncompressed folder is generic and does not have installation instructions, nor has a link to applications folder.

When you run the Quick Search Box, a convenient search box appears on your desktop. The settings do not include ability to set its transparency, which is a huge con for this program. Also, it appears you cannot lock the box to always stay in the same place, you are able to move it at any time and position on the screen. Check out program's screenshots for more details on preferences and customization.

Well, if you value your time and hate wasting time on opening way too many folders just to get to that app you would like to launch, then use this search box, type in the app's name and launch it from the search results. This box will let you find items in your Google documents and emails. It also searches through Google News, Finances, and YouTube. The downside of the search results is that sometimes (very often for me) your computer has to open the browser to see the results on Google search result page. I thought the whole point of this program is to avoid running the browser. On the other hand, the work is in progress, and I am sure the developers will make the improvements soon. Meanwhile, I suggest you check this program out so you can quickly launch applications and for its great desktop search capability.

JW Senior editor
Joshua Wrightwood
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Screenshots (6)

Review summary


  • Launch applications, search desktop, search web from one floating window
  • It's absolutely free


  • Most of search results required me to visit Google page
  • Can't set transparency/opacity



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  • Search data