Art of Illusion 10.2

Free Create, render, and modify 3D models on a Mac.
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10.2 See all
Open source
Used by 64 people
Awards: Mac Informer Editor Rating 5
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Check out a 3D model creating and editing toolset. Work with a set of instruments for building and positioning elements of a selected model according to the requirements of your project. Customize surfaces, add skeleton-based animations, generate procedural textures, etc.

Art of Illusion is a powerful tool used for designing and rendering three-dimensional objects. This feature-rich application comes with a great functionality and a modern design that will help Mac users to quickly get themselves familiar with the product. The main window is nicely split into four mini-windows that provide an overall look over the current project; while the left mini-window shows the view input by the users, the other windows provide left, top and back views. In addition, the users are allowed to choose between two views: perspective and parallel.

This piece of software also allows the users to create light sources for the project, which will result into nice visual effects and shadows. After the objects are created, the users are allowed to make a quick rendering. What makes this particular tool different from other similar products is that after rendering, it allows the users to improve the quality of the project by applying filters. The application also provides a “create primitives” option which will basically create an object, making it available for user customization.

Briefly, you should try Art Of Illusion; it is free, it comes with a great functionality and applicability and helps the users to create animations and still objects with stunning effects.

DH Senior editor
Dave Hattey
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Video and screenshots (5)

Review summary


  • Low resource consumption
  • Superior speed when rendering
  • Well polished interface
  • Multi-angle view on the project
  • Three-dimensional manipulator


  • None


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