Sticky notes for the desktop.


Antnotes are like paper notes, glued to your monitor, but from the other side of the screen.
- customizable background, font, text color
- snap to screen bounds and other notes
- translucent notes
- attach note to any application so it will be shown when this application is activated/hidden on switching to other application
- automatically hide notes on inactivity
- pin note to desktop to make it stay atop of other windows
- quick access via menu bar icon
- make new notes by dragging text, images, files to menubar icon
- integration with services : create new note from any text in any application
- drag images and sounds to note contents
- configurable global shortcuts to create new note or show/hide all notes
- resizable
- archive with all closed notes - do not lose your information by accidentally closing the note
- smart position choosing for different display configurations
What's new in this version:
- new feature: attach note to any application!
- added option to show help in main menu
- some minor fixes and tweaks

This program received 1 award
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