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Installed 6 months ago
Spotify - Streaming music service that gives you on-demand access to millions of songs.
Audacity - Record sound data and edit audio files on your Mac computer.
View all 8 programs
Removed 6 months ago
Audacity - Record sound data and edit audio files on your Mac computer.
Brightness Slider
Brightness Slider - Simple desktop tool designed to change the screen's brightness.
View all 6 programs
Installed 6 months ago
Controlly - Control your Mac remotely using a game controller.
View all 6 programs
Removed 6 months ago
View all 6 programs
Installed 6 months ago
Logic Pro X
Logic Pro X - Most advanced version of Logic ever.
Documents Translator
Documents Translator - Translate text, documents, books, or just paragraphs.
Free VPN
Free VPN - Browse the web anonymously without the fear of being tracked.
View all 23 programs