
Remove YouTube Ads

Ads Blocker for Youtube
And a Dinosaur
Vinegar is a Safari extension that replaces the YouTube player with a minimal HTML video tag...
YouTube player with a minimal HTML video tag. It removes ads...to find the YouTube player and replace
AdBlock Max
free rating
AdBlock Max can remove unwanted ads, protect you from trackers, and speed up web pages...
Max can remove unwanted ads, protect...YouTube, and other websites. It blocks annoying pop-ups, removes
Ads-Free! Desktop
free rating
Viktor Chernikov
Ads-Free! Desktop makes your Safari browsing experience truly enjoyable by removing...
Ads-Free! Desktop makes...experience truly enjoyable by removing ads and speeding up page
Adblock Plus for Safari
free rating
Adblock Plus
Browse the Internet without annoying ads with the best adblocker for Safari...
automatically removes: YouTube ads, including 30-second, pre-roll ads Facebook ads
Adware Scanner and Remover by BitShield
Adrian Borbas
Adware Scanner and Remover by BitShield is designed to remove annoying...
and Remover by BitShield is designed to remove annoying ads
iOS Ads Remover for Mac
free rating Tenorshare Co., Ltd.
Tenorshare iOS Ads Remover for Mac is an app ads blocker program for iOS devices that can kill...
+, Pinterest, YouTube, Hulu Plus, Pandora and more. 3. iOS Ads Remover
iOS Ads Remover
free rating Tenorshare
Tenorshare iOS Ads Remover for Mac is the world's 1st free iOS Ads block...
free iOS Ads block software. It can remove
StreamFab All-In-One for Mac
rating Fengtao Software Inc.
StreamFab All-In-One Downloader for Mac is an all-inclusive online and streaming video download solution package...
out there. 5. Remove annoying ads while downloading...with a jumble of ads, a pleasant viewing