Wattagio 1.13

Monitor battery status and preserve energy.
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Latest version:
1.13.1 See all
11.7 MB
Used by 40 people
Awards: Mac Informer Editor Rating 5
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Integrate a battery monitor and assistant module with your system. Check the current status of the battery of your Mac and view the proportion of power consumption by different applications and processes. Track elements such as battery level in percentage, amperage, tension, temperature, etc.

Wattagio is a battery monitoring tool that gives you accurate information about the battery status of your device. All you need to do is interpret these data and take the right decisions for a healthy, long-lasting battery.

The app has a clear-cut and quite attractive desktop interface. The vertically-positioned content modes can be easily switched, giving you fast and easy access to the information you are looking for. This way, you can take a glance at the health condition of your battery so you know how much is left from the original capacity. The number of the remaining charge cycles is also available, together with the information regarding the current charge compared to the full charge capacity.

A handy feature you will definitely appreciate is the Energy mode, which conveniently displays the apps that take most CPU and power. If the situation becomes critical, you can force quit a great battery consumer right from within the Wattagio software. Yet, you can prevent a fast battery consumption by asking the program to reduce transparency automatically and to turn off the Bluetooth and the Wi-Fi connections. In addition, you can determine in the Preferences menu the programs to be closed automatically after a specific time of inactivity. Furthermore, you have the opportunity to check the life story of your battery and release daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly reports regarding your battery's power, capacity, usage, and health.

Wattagio also installs as a menu bar solution so you can easily check the battery's status at every moment. The widget-like information available in the drop-down menu supports being customized as you wish from within the Preferences window. The notifications released by the program are comprehensive, ranging from temperature issues to charging levels. Each notification can be adjusted according to your preferences, simply by checking and sliding the corresponding bars.

To sum up, Wattagio is a good, stable, and easy-to-manage battery evaluation and controlling tool that offers to inform you about the battery condition of your device and to help you prolong the battery life as much as possible.

ID Senior editor
Ioana Dumitrescu
Editor rating:

Screenshots (17)

Review summary


  • Comprehensive battery settings
  • Display great power consumers
  • Force power consumers to quit immediately
  • Show periodical battery history reports
  • Close apps automatically after a specific time of inactivity


  • Crowded preferences menu
  • Supports only most recent operating systems

Comments (1)


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The tool is not worth the money Sad
At least on my MBP M3 with Sonoma, the statistics are simply wrong.
Wattagio does not recognise that the charging cable is connected or disconnected during sleep mode. With the MBP's frequent wake-up cycles, this should be feasible.
Tonight, according to Wattagio, my MBP worked all night, although other apps like SleepAid disagree.
Spontaneously, Wattagio keeps saying I'm charging - all in all, you don't need such unreliable statistics ... too bad
And worst of all - the developer doesn't even respond to enquiries Sad

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