Your address book for your social networks.


The Social Address Book is your address book for your social networks. It presents your contacts from all your social networks in one sleek interface.

Browse and access your friends and contacts and find their addresses and phone numbers. Click on the name of a contact to get directly to her/his page on the network.
Facebook, LinkedIn, Google Contacts and your OS X address book are supported at the moment, more are added soon.
Because the functionality is somewhat limited at the moment, The Social Addressbook is availabe for an introductory price. So don't hesitate and get it!
Social networks planned to be added:
- Twitter, Xing, Google+,... Planned functions:
- Collect all contacts in one list (by names, eMail, etc.)
- Support of groups, lists
- Send direct messages, poke,...
- Manage contacts: unfollow, move to list/group/circle,...

Christian Beer
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