Keyboard app. You can input the following functions in groups of 4x5 buttons with left clicks...


smallQWERTY is a keyboard app.
You can input the following functions in groups of 4x5 buttons with left clicks, some of which in groups of 3x3 buttons with left or right clicks:
- Letters (with standard ABC and efficient smallQWERTY layouts)
- Numbers (1 ~ 0)
- Symbols (all the symbols in standard keyboard)
- Cursor keys (Left, Right, Up, Down, Home, End, Page Up, Page Down)
- Function keys (F1 ~ F12)
- Common File menus (New, Open, Save, Close, Hide, Minimize, Quit,...)
- Common Edit menus (Cut, Copy, Paste, Duplicate, Undo, Redo, Find,...)
- More menus (Folder creation, Preferences, Spotlight, Trash,...)
- Useful commands (Navigation, Screen capture, Media control,...)
- System commands (Monitor, Log off, Restart, Shutdown, Sleep)
- Desktop commands (Mission control, Dashboard, Launchpad, App/window switcher,...)
- All the individual keys of standard keyboard
- Modifiers (Command, Shift, Option/Alt, Control)
- Custom app launcherMore functions in 3x3 keyboard interface are coming soon.

This program received 1 award
Mobience Inc.
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