Seismo is a program designed for Mac users who wish to keep track of recent global earthquake data. This application provides you with detailed information regarding the latest seismic activity, constantly updates its records, and gives you direct access to the homepage of USGS (United States Geological Survey).
The utility brings a straightforward interface and displays a list containing latest earthquake data. You can sort the seismic activity entries according to your needs (by name, magnitude, etc.), search earthquake info by location, and set a refresh rate for the fetched data (at every X minutes).
An important advantage is that Seismo warns you whenever an earthquake has a magnitude higher than a defined value (you can set the value from the Preferences menu). The app also informs you if a seismic activity took part at a depth lower than the value you set within the Preferences menu.
Furthermore, the program also features a world map that displays the location of recent seismic activity.
As a conclusion, Seismo is an app that provides you with a solution for monitoring recent seismic activity around the world. The program is very simple to use, offers accurate earthquake information, and comes without a price tag.