Seismo versions

This application offers you info regarding recent earthquakes.
Dec 21, 2019
Jun 9, 2013
Editorial review

What's new

v1.9 [Dec 21, 2019]
This version of Seismo brings a couple of bug fixes and improvements, some of which only surfaced with the new MacOS Catalina:
• BUGFIX: fix an issue where some alert panels were rendered incorrectly
• BUGFIX: fix a layout issue in Preferences window, which became apparent on MacOS Catalina
• BUGFIX: fix an issue where Tsunami Alerts were always showing for every earthquake, regardless of whether the earthquake did pose a Tsunami threat or not
• STABILITY IMPROVEMENTS: several bug fixes to improve stability
• IMPROVEMENT: Seismo now tries to update its own Location when reloading the Earthquake information. Previously only the initially obtained location was used for calculating the distance to each earthquake.
• IMPROVEMENT: when the user selects the minimum magnitude of earthquakes to show, Seismo now requests a filtered (narrower) list of earthquakes from USGS instead of downloading all earthquakes in a given period and filtering them locally; this should improve the speed of downloads as well as limit the data use and reduce the load on USGS servers
• FUNCTIONAL CHANGE: remove the Web Sheet displaying the USGS web page about a given earthquake. Now, the Earthquake Detailed Information panel has a button to open the Earthquake Web Page in the default Browser instead.
• GENERAL CODE MAINTENANCE: modernise the code base to remove the use of deprecated API calls

v1.6 [Jun 9, 2013]
- NEW: Google Map support. Now the app can show all earthquakes on a map in a separate window
- NEW: Google Map support for individual earthquakes. Now, when opening Detailed Information window, you have the option to show the earthquake location on the map (this will open separate Map window, different than the Map of All Earthquakes)
- NEW: Copy and Paste support
- NEW: Added Location Search
- CHANGE: Seismo is now using a new API at USGS to get the list of earthquakes
- CHANGE: Double clicking on an earthquake in the main window now opens Detailed Information instead of Web Page Sheet with the USGS Website
- CHANGE: Web Links in About Panel are now clickable
- FIX: About Panel becomes active when open.

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