RiffWorks T4

Free RiffWorks T4 is a free edition of RiffWorks guitar recording software.
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Latest version:
2.6.7 See all
Sonoma Wire Works
Used by 71 people
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RiffWorks T4 is a free edition of RiffWorks guitar recording software that includes looped recording, automatic track creation, InstantDrummer, effects, song posting, a “Quick Start” tutorial in 14 languages, and more for free.
Capture ideas and create songs easily using an easy riff-based workflow, loop recording, automatic track creation, InstantDrummer, guitar-oriented effects, and more. Supports amp model plugins from IK Multimedia, Line 6, Studio Devil, and others. Collaborate online with musicians around the world at the same time or when you have time (small service fee). Cast tunes to an enthusiastic online community. All without putting down your guitar!
Collaborate on songs at the same time as other musicians using the RiffLink service in RiffWorks. As a Riff layer is recorded, it streams to other players. As a Riff loops, players can add layers with no latency. Contributions are saved, and can be opened later in RiffWorks to continue recording. Create songs together online no matter how far apart you live or what time zone you are in! $10/30 days, $60/year, or free trial with RiffWorks Standard.
Create your profile page on RiffWorld. Instantly RiffCast any song created in RiffWorks for the RiffWorld community to hear, and it will get its own song page. Link to your song page on your blog or web site. Check out the embeddable song players! Listen to other members' songs and give them a shout. Get feedback about your songs. Find inspiring musicians and invite them to jam. Enter contests to win awards and prizes.

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