Set all PDF document and presentation properties on user's computer with some few clicks.


pdf-DocPro allows you to set all PDF document and presentation properties on user's computer with some few clicks.

Define settings, security permissions, encryption levels and printing options. Even PDF presentations like Powerpoint are possible.
UNIVERSE Software is proud to announce pdf-DocPro 9:
To protect PDF documents, it is necessary to use passwords. A distinction is made in User Password and Master Password. The user password is required to open the PDF file. The master password controls the properties of the PDF file, such as whether the file can be printed. pdf-DocPro supported in version 9 is now the handling of passwords with a password checker.
The password checker checks used master and user passwords based on rules. For example, to determine whether small and capital letters must appear in the password. Here, different specifications are defined and stored.
In addition, at each of the benchmarks, a password is automatically generated and so a high level of security can be achieved.
All tools of the "Swiss knife PDF" can be used for any succession, can be removed in one step from a PDF document pages, then pasted from a PDF form pages, and finally a complete PDF document attached. A preview allows to work comfortably and quickly check the result.
pdf-DocPro - as a member of the pdf-recover family - is therefore a universal tool for manipulating PDF documents and PDF forms as a pure Java development and currently runs under the operating systems Windows and Mac OSX. Linux on request.
pdf-DocPro does not work with documents which have user-level passwords set (preventing the files from being opened) and eBooks which require Adobe Digital Editions.

UNIVERSE Software GmbH
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