Memory Cleaner X is an application designed to monitor and free up the RAM memory of your computer. Cleaning up the memory can be done both automatically at specific time intervals and manually whenever the situation requires it.
The program launches as a small icon on the menu bar, and waits there until you enable it. The icon's animated appearance shows you the percentage of the used memory, as well as a descending percentage whenever the RAM cleaning process is in progress. If the disk size is what interests you most, you can set the icon to display information related to the free or the used space on your disk. However, clicking on the menu icon drops down a dialog that informs you about the current memory usage and gives you the chance to perform a manual clean of your computer’s RAM. In addition, the tool lets you know what apps take up most system memory so that you can close specific programs and leave room for other running tasks to perform better.
The utility comes with very useful features related to the automation of the memory clean-up process. Therefore, you can set the program to clean up RAM whenever large apps quit. What is more, you can determine the frequency at which memory is automatically freed up. The task can be performed often, normally, rarely, or according to specific time intervals, such as every 8h, 4h, or 2h.
To sum up, Memory Cleaner X is a handy app that offers to clean up RAM so that you can increase the performance of running memory-hungry apps.
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