iPlayBook is a digital version of the playbook that basketball coaches use. It comes preloaded with the design of the court and your five starting players: point guard, shooting guard, small forward, power forward and centre. You can also add defensive players and draw different types of lines to explain plays. Everything that you add or draw can be selected and moved. You can also undo and redo actions from the menubars.
This electronic playbook is great for designing and explaining half court offense plays. The players are already added when you start a new playbook, which saves a lot of time. You can draw lines by using the free-hand tool or by clicking on two points to create a straight line. There is also an arrow tool. You can change the color of your drawing from the toolbar at the top of the screen. If you want to differentiate movement lines from passing lines, you can use a line for movement and an arrow for passing. You can clear all drawings from the board with a single button, which is also a great time saver for when you are drawing a play during a time out.
iPlayBook can fully replace a playbook in my opinion if it were on an iPad. I wouldn't bother bringing a Macbook to a basketball game to draw plays on it. MacBooks are too big for that.
One thing that would make this app even better would be the ability to record your plays and play them back to your players, so that they can understand them better.