BpGrapher - BloodPressure+Pulse 1.0

Perfect to maintain a comprehensive record of your blood pressure pulse readings
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1.0.1 See all
Michael Heinz
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Used by 13 people
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An invaluable Medical App for anyone who wants to maintain a comprehensive record of their blood pressure and pulse readings. Take care of your health and buy it today! Up-to-date values you can retrieve months later. This unique Medical App allows you to see a chart of your pulse and blood pressure readings on any day in any month, as well as generating a chart from a filtered list, that can help you to detect any irregularities quickly.

- record and store your blood pressure and pulse readings several times a day
- add your own personalized notes
- edit and delete entries
–easy, customizable search function, depending on your user interface
– keep detailed records using specific criteria to generate daily and monthly graphs like those commonly used in the medical field: in addition to graphically displaying a selected day’s values, a monthly view is also available: as well as viewing a chart of your minimum, maximum and average blood pressure and pulse values for a selected month, the print function allows you to generate a list of values (filtered according to specific criteria, like a specific date range) and generate a PDF document that you can either print, or Email directly to your Doctor
– generate/store multiple reports

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