Aqua Data Studio 22.3

A database integrated development environment supporting many databases types.
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Latest version:
22.3.3 See all
AquaFold, Inc.

Aqua Data Studio is a database integrated development environment supporting multiple types of databases, such as relational, noSQL and cloud databases. Just in the case of relational databases, there is a wide array of supported types, including, but not limited to, MySQL, Oracle, Microsoft SQL Server, Sybase, DB2, Informix, Apache Cassandra, PostgreSQL, Derby and Hive, MongoDB, and SQLite. It has the main advantage of being scalable and having no limitations as to the number of databases it can connect to.

The application's interface is modern and conveniently lets you organize all your database servers and schemas in a tree view. Thus, it facilitates navigating through all the assets. However, there are times I wished there were more wizards, because the tool has some many features that it is quite easy to get lost.

It is great that Aqua Data Studio lets you explore and analyze data through various types of visual representations and dashboards. These items can easily be exported as worksheets, which allows sharing them with other users.

If you do not feel comfortable writing SQL statements, you will probably find very convenient that Aqua Data Studio comes with a built-in visual query builder. This way, you just need to drag and drop the items without writing a single line of code. Likewise, there is a query analyzer, which can insert SQL statements in the code automatically. The application also comes in very handy for debugging SQL. In this respect, it comes with built-in debuggers that support Oracle, Microsoft SQL Server, Sybase ASE and IBM. more

PC Senior editor
Pedro Castro
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Review summary


  • Extremely versatile and scalable
  • Supports practically all types of databases
  • No limits as to the number of databases you can connect to
  • Organizes database servers and schemas in a tree view
  • Visual representations and dashboards
  • Helps you write and debug SQL
  • Powerful entity relationship modeler


  • Difficult to navigate through all its features at times
  • It is Java-based, which may affect performance

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I can not open it.

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