AKVIS HDRFactory lets you create an HDR image from a series of shots or from one single photo.
The software creates HDR images from a series of photographs taken at different exposures or from a single photograph. You can come very close to reality or even go beyond it by creating stylized images with fabulous colors and unique effects. The software also includes an efficient deghosting tool for removing ghost artifacts that sometimes appear when combining photos with moving objects.
The program can also be used for photo correction. You can adjust color saturation and brightness, and bring out the detail in dark and bright areas.
AKVIS HDRFactory can also imitate the HDR effect on a single image, by creating a pseudo-HDR. This technique is useful if you don't have a series of images with different exposures. Just load a single image into AKVIS HDRFactory and admire the effect which goes beyond photo realism and opens the door into the fascinating world of HDR!
AKVIS Retoucher is an efficient program for photo restoration and retouching.