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eMotion is a tool for creating interactive motions of objects for live visual performances. Electronic motion seems often artificial, synthetic... well... in fact it does not convey any emotions. By defining new rules to create movements, eMotion is a new kind of software made for visual live animations.
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Say “hello” with an instant message, voice or video call – all for free.
Communicate with all of your friends personally and in group chats on your Mac just as you would with your mobile device....
Topaz Impression helps you turn photos into paintings.
room for emotion, personal capture emotion and feeling
Create and share quality photo slideshows on your Mac.
your audience's emotions. FotoMagico
A Gothic fantasy style game very light on the RPG and heavy on the action.
to affect emotion by design
Adium is a popular and, probably, the best instant messaging client for you Mac.
Selects your best photos and marks those that won’t print well.
resolution, focus, emotion, chronology, duplicate
Keeps a diary of important life events and allows storing ideas.
Contacts, Location, Emotion and Rating...corresponding to Emotion and Ranking
A desktop messenger that allows using the services of Telegram.
It analyzes your personality in connection with the person's emotional IQ level.
Emotion IQ...the person's emotional IQ