Mac users interested in Color keyboard generally download:
Create and modify 3D models and 2D sketches on your Mac. Generate 2D layouts, enable real-time visualization, collaborate on your projects with other users and store your designs in the cloud to access them from any device. Import files from other Autodesk programs in SAT, STEP, DWG and Autodesk Inventor formats.
Keyboard Keyboard allows you to map practically any key on your computer keyboard to a musical command. The interface layout facilitates mapping keys because basically what you need to do is press the desired key on the virtual computer keyboard and then a note on the piano or an external controller.
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Two-pane file manager that gives you full control over your computer's filesystem.
applications Customizable color schemes Customizable...mode Full keyboard navigation
Intended for previewing the contents of RAW and DNG images.
presets, color temperature/tint...later Color Management Sysytem Customizable Keyboard
Concentrate on a single application by intelligently dimming other applications.
brightness, tint color, keyboard shortcuts
Enhanced replacement for Apple's DigitalColor Meter application.
Adjust aperture color •...Color mode • Assign global keyboard...color meters and color
All-in-one screen virtual rulers to measure the dimensions and angles on Mac.
s more, keyboard shortcuts, ruler colors...need. *Customizable keyboard shortcuts make
TeleKast is an open source teleprompter application for Mac.
Size and Color. Keyboard Shortcuts. Rich
Helps you visualize and convert WMF images to other formats.
changing image colors ...keys and keyboard shortcuts ...Replace colors
ColorSnapper — the missing color picker for OS X.
14 different color formats ...colors ● Paste the color...● Supports keyboard navigation
Switch between windows or programs with customized options.
the panel's via keyboard shortcuts...on the colors
I'd love to sit in front of my very old 12" PowerBook with Tiger for surfing the web and of course for blogging....
and syntax coloring...gorgeous syntax-coloring...templates and keyboard shortcuts *
Learn to touch type Pinyin using all your fingers simultaneously.
characters. The colored keyboard's scheme
A hyper-customizable and does not track you.
more. Keyboard Shortcuts...address to Preferences -> Keyboard along
Enjoy computer-generated plants and geometric animations.
Fabulous colors...color synthesizer using the Macintosh keyboard...full-color reference