Keeps track of activities on your desktop so you don't have to.

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Think of it as bookmarking application for desktop apps and documents
Its purpose is to help you to answer questions such as:
- what was that document I was working on Monday morning last week
- what was the email that let me to change this file
- what was the website I used to look up this information
It can record:
Time spent viewing or changing a document
- virtually any document-oriented application is supported
for example:
- MS Word, Excel,
- Adobe Photoshop, InDesign, Illustrator
- Keynote, Pages, Numbers
- and many others...
It also support IDEs
- Xcode, IntelliJ, Eclipse
Time spent viewing a website
- Safari and Chrome support is provided out of the box
- Firefox is supported with use of an plugin
it works great for many web apps,
for example:
- Gmail, Google calendars
- JIRA, Confluence
Other events and activities:
- MS Outlook email, calendar and todo entries
- Apple Mail
- Apple Calendar
- Adium
- Skype
The ActoTracker plugin architecture allows you to add support for any other event or activity in straightforward way. All you need is a bit of an AppleScript glue code
What's new in this version:
Filemaker Advanced integration

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