
Completely customizable 2D chessboard with 3 piece sets and several chessboards
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Latest version:
3.2.2 See all
Manfred Schubert
2.2 MB
Used by 7 people
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Vektor3's analysis features let you monitor the chess engines evaluation, set up any legal position for analysis, or auto-annotate games for you.
Due to Vektor3's multi-document approach, you can open and work with several documents at once. Each document's chess engine can compute a move at the same time, or analyze a game while you can continue to work with other documents.
Vektor3 can import and export games in PGN format, and export games complete with diagrams and text styles into HTML format for easy web publishing.
It can print games in two columns, also including figurines and diagrams in high resolution and color.

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