Application to notify when the power cord of the Mac is unplugged or plugged in.


UnPlugged is an application to notify when the power cord of the Mac is unplugged or plugged in. Notifications are done using Growl, or with a Alertwindow, when Growl is not installed.
This App is done with Cocoa and doesn't use as much RAM and CPU usage as the other tools available.

Usage Hint:
- to quit UnPlugged option click on the notification or hit the quit button in the alert panel when Growl is not installed
- unplugged will show the battery status every couple of percents that the battery looses capacity, you can change this in the prefpane.
- you can also specify applications where you don't want to see this kind of notifications (e.g. keynote, when doing a presentation) Installation
- download the .dmg and doubleclick the contained UnPlugged.prefPane. this will ask you to install the new version.
- click Start

This program received 1 award
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