v2.9 [Aug 31, 2022]
• Fixed an issue where the Icon theme could be damaged.
• Fixed a crash when choosing the new Calendar scheduling option.
Version 2.9 included:
• Added a status message to the breaks in the sidebar, to indicate why a break was skipped etc.
• Added the ability to schedule breaks using calendar events.
• Added an Exclusions option to skip breaks when busy on the calendar.
• Support for Monterey focus.
• Added an Advanced option to hide the Pause function.
• New break options to pause or reset an individual break.
• Plus other improvements. Read the release notes on the Updates page in the app for full details.
v2.8 [May 26, 2021]
- A quick fix to have the Do Not Disturb break exclusion option off by default, as apparently a lot of people leave DND on all the time, resulting in unintentionally missing breaks. Sorry about that!
Version 2.8 also includes:
• New option to end a break early.
• New option to postpone breaks for app exclusions.
• Added an option to skip breaks when Do Not Disturb is on.
• Can now show the time since the last break in the status item.
• Control Time Out via URL schemes.
• New LCD Digital Clock break theme.
• Plus other improvements. Read the release notes on the Updates page in the app for full details.
v2.4 [Mar 19, 2018]
- Added page buttons to the Activity page of the preferences, with Activity and Statistics pages.
- The Activity page is the same as before.
- The new Statistics page includes a summary of breaks, pop-up menus to choose the kind of counter and break(s) to display, and a line chart of count values.
- The count options include the number of times a break was postponed, skipped, or done in a day, or the total duration of that break.
- The menus also enable displaying those counts for all breaks, or just a specific one.
- When showing All Breaks, the values for each break are stacked.
- The chart will not be shown initially; come back after a couple of days to see it, once some history has been gathered.
- Also includes a Share button to the right of the page buttons, to make it easy to tweet etc the stats.
- Added an option to the Break Appearance page to disable the Postpone and Skip buttons for a few seconds.
- The number of seconds can be changed; it includes the fade-in time.
- This feature helps break a habitual clicking of the buttons; to encourage you to consider if you really need to skip a break.
- This is available as a reward for current supporters. If you were a supporter in the past, but it has expired, you can extend your supporter status to use this feature, or try for an hour at a time.
- The break frequency now can't be less than the duration; it doesn't make sense to work for negative time.
- The break should no longer be due further away than the frequency, unless you manually skip it multiple times.
- If a break would be due in the past after rescheduling it, it is now reset. This should fix the issue where a break could sometimes start soon after waking from sleep.
- Fixed an issue where manually starting a break soon after another one could leave the actions in an unexpected state.
- When a postpone/skip limit is set and has been reached, postponing or skipping via the File menu, action menu, or global keyboard shortcut is now disabled, so the limit can't be bypassed.
- Fixed the postpone/skip left display when a limit is turned on when already postponed/skipped more than that today.
- The Time Out item is now always in the Window menu, to make it easier to re-display the preferences window if closed.
- When the Dock icon is hidden, and the status item is shown, the status popover will now appear on clicking the mouse, instead of releasing it; a subtle improvement.
- Can now use the up and down arrow keys and type selection to navigate in the sidebar, e.g. show the preferences window or status popover and press "G" to go to the General options.
- Updated the Start Screensaver and Stop Screensaver script actions, to work more reliably on recent macOS versions. Thanks to Johan Kaving.
- Removed the help book, since it didn't work properly in recent OS versions. The help is still available on the web, and has been updated for version 2.4.
- Some tweaks to the supporter stuff, to fix an issue with previous supporter features incorrectly showing as unavailable.
- Fixed typos in some Break Appearance tooltips.
v2.3 [Oct 2, 2017]
- Added an option to the Break Appearance preferences page to enable displaying the number of times a break has been postponed, skipped, and/or done each day, so you know how "good" you're being today.
- Also added options to enable limiting the number of times it can be postponed and/or skipped each day. Useful if you find those buttons too hard to resist, but still want them there sometimes.
- These features are available as rewards for current supporters. If you were a supporter in the past, but it has expired, you can extend your supporter status to use these features, or try for an hour at a time.
- If both Postpone buttons and the Skip button are hidden, the control panel is now smaller.
- Added an option to the Break Name preferences page to show the break label as a miniature pie chart of today's postponed/skipped/done counts.
- The pie has an outline of the label color, with the postpones wedge as a lighter label color, skips as gray, and the wedge for done is shown as the label color.
- Added a tooltip on the label icon that displays the same text as above.
- This feature is also available as a reward for current supporters.
- Added a new Tropical Rain break theme, kindly contributed by Nick Kaijaks.
- Added a Cosmic Symbolism theme, as a bookmark to the Cosmic Symbolism website, similar to the other zooming ones. Kindly contributed by Justin Hall.
- Added an Away From Desk theme, that simply displays a message about being away from the desk for a RSI break. Kindly contributed by John Braine.
- Updated the Muscles theme.
- Removed the Emoji Zone theme, as the website that hosted it is no longer available.
- Improved the accessibility prompt when starting the app for the first time, to not show the permissions alert until after the Setup Assistant has been closed, and only if the the suggestion of authorizing it wasn't done.
- Removed the Post Tweet break action, as High Sierra unfortunately no longer includes built-in support for posting to Twitter.
- Fixed the View menu items becoming disabled when the sidebar isn't active.
- If a laptop lid is closed during a break, then re-opened before the break would have been finished, the break will now continue.
- Restoring a purchase now re-displays the message of thanks in the sidebar; you can dismiss it via the (X) button next to the message if desired.
- Fixed an issue with High Sierra, where the label and theme background colors could be unexpectedly changed to white. If affected, the colors will be reverted back to the defaults.
- Fixed some display issues with the the Break Actions page on High Sierra.
v2.2 [Mar 14, 2017]
- Added an "Activity" item in the sidebar, that optionally shows a chart of activity, including breaks you've taken, apps you've used, and time away from the Mac.
- Activity tracking is off by default, for privacy reasons. You can enable it via a button at the top of the Activity page, which displays a menu with options to Track Breaks, Track Apps, and clear the recorded activity.
- On the right-hand side of the Activity page is a slider to zoom the scale; you can also pinch to zoom on a trackpad. The scale goes from 1 day to 1 minute, or even to individual activity items.
- Each line of the activity chart shows the activity grouped together for the scale time period, arranged with breaks before apps, and the longest first. For example, if at a 15 minute scale, it might show 5 minutes of a break, 5 minutes of Safari usage, 3 minutes of Mail, 2 minutes of natural breaks (idle).
- Hover over an activity in the chart to see a tooltip with the break or app name, how many times it occurred in this time period, and how long for.
- Recorded activity lives on your Mac, and isn't shared with anyone else.
- This feature is available as a reward for current supporters. If you were a supporter in the past, but it has expired, you can extend your supporter status to use this feature.
- Added a "Muscles" theme, contributed by "saltymouse", to show a random exercise (from a customizable list) with reps to do during breaks.
- Added a "GiphyStretch" theme, contributed by Sean Carey of Giphy, to show a series of stretching GIFs.
- Added a "GiphyPuppies" theme, also contributed by Sean Carey, to show a series of puppy GIFs.
- Extended the break theme JavaScript to support a window.webkit.messageHandlers.getTimeOutConfig.postMessage('') message to get a JSON of the break configuration. It will call back to a timeOutConfig(json) function, passing the JSON. Properties include format (the JSON format, initially 1), identifier (the break's unique identifier), name (the break's name), durationSeconds (the break duration expressed in seconds), durationString (e.g. "10 minutes"), frequencySeconds (the frequency in seconds), frequencyString (e.g. "1 hour"), beginningSeconds (the fade-in time), endingSeconds (the fade-out time).
- Also extended the JavaScript to support a window.webkit.messageHandlers.getTimeOutState.postMessage('') message, to get a JSON of the break state information. It will call back to a timeOutState(json) function, passing the JSON. Properties include format (e.g. 1), nextDue (e.g. an ISO date like "2016-09-29T23:27:51Z"), lastStarted, lastDone, lastDeferred (also dates), lastPhase (e.g. done, skipped, or postponed), and currentPhase (e.g. pending, starting, started, or finishing).
- Fixed an issue where choosing None for the break theme would revert back to the default Icon theme, even for supporters (this is expected for non-supporters).
- On the Actions page, renamed After Finish to After Done, to be consistent with other uses ("finish" is when the break is expected to end, "done" is after it has actually successfully completed, as opposed to other ends of the break like "skip" or "postpone").
- Added a View menu to the menu bar, to enable easier navigation of the preference pages (the keyboard shortcuts can still be used when the menu bar is hidden).
- Added an alert when turning on the option to automatically start Time Out, if the app isn't in the Applications folder.
- When using a MacBook Pro with integrated and discrete GPUs, now attempts to remain using the integrated GPU, to save battery.
- Now remembers the visibility state of the Preferences window. If you close it, it will remain closed when you next start the app, or if you leave it open, it will re-open. The window will always display when later switching to the app, when the Dock icon is shown.
- Improved the scheduler's idle handling to cope with macOS calling the timer less frequently than requested (as a power-saving measure).
- Added a separate Exclusions preference to skip breaks when the Mac display is asleep (in addition to the preference to skip during the screensaver).
- Moved the Learn More button on the Support Time Out page, to make it more discoverable.
v2.1 [Sep 19, 2016]
- Changed the way the scheduler handles the first break of the day, so the work time is now equal between each break. For example, a 10 minute break every hour will now start the break after 50 minutes of work time, and so on throughout the day.
- Now displays the work time next to the frequency control.
- Replaced the Reset After Duration natural break option with a checkbox to reset after a specified interval of idle, screensaver or sleep time, where you can choose the threshold interval. Off by default, and is a supporter reward, like the old option.
- Added an option to reset the break after finishing a higher priority break. This is useful to keep lower priority breaks (e.g. Micro) aligned with higher priority ones (e.g. Normal). Off by default, and is also a supporter reward.
- Added an option on the General preferences page to only include long breaks in the status menu bar item. Off by default, so all breaks are included, but if you only want a countdown to the next lengthy break (of a minute or more), you can turn this on.
- Added an Edit Break command in the break Options menu, to make editing breaks more intuitive. This is equivalent to simply selecting the break in the sidebar, and will show an alert mentioning this.
- Added a Start Next Break command in the File and action (cog) menus to manually begin the break that is next due. Especially useful as it can have a global keyboard shortcut assigned to it via the Shortcuts preferences.
- Added a Reveal Data Folder command in those menus, to quickly and easily show the Time Out data folder in the Finder, as an easier way to add or edit sounds and themes, or send the data to Dejal for diagnostics.
- Added a Reveal Sounds command to the sound pop-up menu in the Play Sound action, to show the Sounds folder in the Finder.
- Added headings in the Play Sound menu, to indicate where each of the groups of sounds are located on disk.
- Added some new built-in sounds: two different bells and a ticking clock. If you find any short public domain sound that others might like, let us know!
- Added a new Post Tweet action to post an update to Twitter. It is only available from Mac OS Sierra (10.12), due to a bug in previous OS versions that prevents authorizing accounts.
- It includes an account popup to choose from which account to post. This could be fun for social peer pressure — tweet when completing a break.
- Added the Sleep Mac action (available via the Time Out Extras page) to the default set. This AppleScript simply puts the Mac to sleep. Useful if you want it to be asleep during a break or at the end of day.
- Added the Start Screensaver action (also available there) to the default set. This AppleScript simply activates the screensaver. Useful if you want the screensaver on during a break.
- Also added a new Stop Screensaver action. This AppleScript deactivates the screensaver if it's active. Useful as an action at the end of a break.
- Added a comment on the first page of the Setup Assistant to explain how to change the duration and frequency controls: "tab/arrow between components; arrow up/down or type to change values; click or spacebar to show a menu of options."
- Updated the tooltips of those controls to give the same tips.
- When returning to the Setup Assistant later in the app session, it now opens to the first page again, instead of whichever one was displayed when last closed.
- After trying supporter rewards, the Support Time Out page is selected, to hopefully help clarify that the features reverting is not a bug.
- For the Mac App Store edition, if a purchase hasn't been registered with the Dejal server, it will now ask you to do so when you next show the Support Time Out page, to avoid an issue that affects some people.
- Improvement: When launching the direct edition for the first time, if the Mac App Store edition has previously been used, the direct edtion will use the same data, to make migration easier.
- Improvement: Global shortcuts are now correctly removed after trying supporter rewards.
- Improvement: If not using the Event Monitor idle detector (as set on the Advanced preferences), no longer unnecessarily sets up the event monitors on launch.
- Improvement: Possible workaround for an Apple bug that causes the clipboard to stop working.
- Fixed a crasher on Mac OS Sierra (10.12) when displaying the support info popovers.
- Fixed a crasher when changing preference pages.
- Updated the help book.
v2.0 [Mar 4, 2016]
- By popular request, increased the number of digits for the Break for duration and Every frequency on the Break Schedule page from 2 to 3, so you can enter 150 minutes to have a break every 2.5 hours, for example.
- Also added an option on the Exclusions page to automatically skip breaks that fall due while the screensaver is active, the display is asleep, another user is active, or the Mac is asleep. This defaults to on.
- Tweaked the scheduler to avoid App Nap interfering with idle detection and starting breaks when the window is closed and no status item is shown.
- Scheduler logging (in Advanced preferences) is now off by default for new users.
v1.7 [Jul 25, 2012]
- Fixed issue that prevented the timers from starting when auto-launched until Time Out is brought to the front the first time.
- Now sets the state of the auto-launch preference checkbox from whether or not it'll actually be launched, rather than just what was previously chosen (a subtle difference).
- Fixed the minimum OS requirement, so trying to launch it on an OS version before 10.7 will give an alert instead of unexpected behavior.
v1.6 [Aug 29, 2011]
Fixed incorrect display of when the next normal break is due.
Very handy utility that lets you schedule reminders by just dragging any file or url to the OS X Menu bar.
Time Clock was developed to help the user keep track of time spent on a project and remind the user when to take breaks.