SkySafari 6.8

View star maps and interact with telescope data.
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Latest version:
6.8.2 See all
Southern Stars
Used by 145 people
Awards: Mac Informer Editor Rating 5
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Perform various tasks related to astronomy. Gain access to telescope footage and view maps and pictures of various stars in different systems of the mapped sky. Work with configurable controls to navigate the content and generate various interactive maps.

SkySafari is a very popular astronomy app for the Mac. It was first released for iOS some time ago, but now the Mac is lucky enough to have three versions of this incredible tool that puts the sky on your screen. This is the entry version of the app, and it includes see 46,000 stars and the 220 Messier/Caldwell deep sky objects. These are two catalogues of star clusters, nebulae and other celestial bodies that are very popular with amateur astronomers.

In SkySafari, you start viewing the skies from a location of your choosing on Earth. You can see the horizon and pan the image the full 360 degrees and up and down. You can interact with most celestial bodies by right-clicking on them. For example, if you right-click on the Sun, you will be able to center it on the screen, bring up information about it and flip and move the image related to it.

Navigating the skies using your mouse and seeing every celestial body on your computer screen is a great feeling. There is a search field that can be used to search for specific bodies when you can't find them by panning and zooming.

There is information about a lot of celestial bodies. The amount of data available to the end-user is incredible. The information includes discovery of the body, mythology, coordinates, basic information, and any other relevant information. more

JF Senior editor
José Fernández
Editor rating:

Screenshots (8)

Review summary


  • 360 degrees pan option
  • Detailed celestial data
  • Advanced export options
  • Lots of celestial bodies
  • Horizon view


  • Slow loading in the pan mode

Comments (1)


Your vote:

Beautifully crafted application. It is possible to enjoy it from different angles: just as a visual feast or in a more deep manner. It has a lot of information about celestial bodies and it is very easy to spend many hours with it.

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  • Skysafari old version
  • Safari 10.6
  • View nebulae
  • Safari 6.1 download