Free Emulate the audio playback of Commodore 64.
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Play any kind of music or sound file on your Mac like it's a vintage Commodore 64 computer. Automatically process the selected tracks and put out the sound replicated with the parameters of the old hardware. Check out the resulting graphical file layouts.

SIDPLAY is intended for those who used to own a Commodore 64 home computer. Thus, the application can help you listen to music originally written to be supported by this model’s sound interface device, also called SID. Since songs of this type are not so commonly found anymore, it is good that the application’s developer provides us with a link to an Internet collection of SID music.

SIDPLAY’s interface resembles those of other music players, specially iTunes, so it is unlikely that you feel lost even if it is the first time you use it. In this respect, there is the main screen, from which you can browse the imported collection as well as your playlists. Besides, you can find the usual playback buttons as well as detailed information about the songs in the current playlist. It is excellent news that SIDPLAY can also be used to convert SID tracks into other formats, including MP3, AAC, Apple Lossless and AIFF.

In general, SIDPLAY is a good choice if you miss the “good old times” as it gives you access to music that is no longer playable on any of the modern machines. Regrettably, it continuously crashed on my system, probably because of incompatibility issues due to its not having been updated for many years.

PC Senior editor
Pedro Castro
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Screenshots (4)

Review summary


  • Can convert SID tracks to many formats
  • Lets you browse music collections
  • Built-in directory browser
  • Supports smart playlists
  • Exports songs to C64 executable format
  • Full tempo control


  • Crashed a lot of times

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rating Mike Rivera
This work is outstanding, hopefully it gets updated more often.

Nov 13, 2022 Was it helpful?  yes(0) no(0) | Reply