ShadeIt 1.10

Adjust the brightness of your screen to its lowest level.
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1.10 See all
Used by 12 people
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Reduce the brightness of your monitor lower than its default settings to create dim light in your room at night with all other lights switched off. The application handles multiple screens and spaces. Configure a hot key or tweak the brightness settings in the Status menu. Have the solution launched when you log in to your Mac.

ShadeIt dims your screen even more than current monitor settings allow. This is most interesting at night when you want to work without room lights switched on.
ShadeIt supports multiple monitors and spaces.
Adjust the brightness in the Status menu or use the (user-defined) hot keys.
In the preferences, you can assign the hot keys and define whether ShadeIt should be launched when you log in to your computer.

Screenshots (2)



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  • Shadeit! 1.10