Screen Utility is a program that helps you verify if there are any dead or defective pixels on your monitor, take screenshots of your desktop and include the mouse cursor in the pictures, and much more. The application provides you with simple-to-set options and immediately applies the screen changes.
The first integrated utility is the Screenshot Helper which, according to the information written on the homepage of the developer, is able to hide all icons within your Desktop and conceal the Dock and the Menu Bar from your screen. Unfortunately, in my testing, the app failed to hide the Desktop icons.
The Pixel Test tool worked flawlessly. Once you click the Run Pixel Test button various solid colors (white, red, green, blue, and black) are displayed over the entire screen, and you can easily notice if there are any dead, stuck or defective pixels on your monitor.
Last but not least, the built-in screenshot utility is able to take a snapshot of your entire Desktop, including the mouse cursor. My issues with this integrated tool are that it allows you to export the resulted image to only one output format (PNG), and you cannot change the destination folder (it saves the screenshots to ~/Pictures/Screen Utility).
Nevertheless, you don't have to pay to use this application. Hence, I can't find a reason why you shouldn't at least try Screen Utility to check if it meets you needs.