Prince XML 6.0

convert XML and HTML into PDF documents
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Latest version:
6.0 See all
4.4 MB
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Prince is an application for converting HTML and XML into PDF documents.
Prince reads many XML formats, including XHTML and SVG.
Prince formats documents according to style sheets written in CSS. Standards support. HTML, CSS, SVG, MathML, XML. Web enabled. Loads documents, style sheets, images and fonts over HTTP, like a Web browser. Publishing features. Hyphenation, crop marks, columns, page floats and footnotes. Eye candy. Rounded borders, small caps, CMYK and RGBA colors.
Prince on Mac OS X is operated via the Terminal.
What's new in this version:
BUG FIXES related to: Hyphenation CSS for tables, table cells and inline elements font family issue on Linux zombie processes when running Prince from CGI on Windows resolution related TIFF bug PERFORMANCE: Reduced memory usage for "heavy" documents (e.g. thousands of table cells) improved performance for HTML documents with many ID attributes HANDLING HTML: Browser compatible formatting of BR and PRE,



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