Pool Rebel+ 5.9

Pool Rebel+ is a very realistic, multi-platform Pool game.
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5.9 See all
Compumaster Ltd.
Used by 11 people
Awards: Mac Informer Editor Rating 5
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Pool Rebel+ is a very realistic, multi-platform Pool game. It is available for Mac, PC, Android, Ovi and iOS. This is relevant because the game has a multi-player mode, and you can play with friends who have the game, regardless of what platform they use. Pool Rebel+ lets you control every aspect of your game, and it has different difficulty modes that make the game challenging and fun to play.

The first time that I played the game, I started with the tutorial. This explains the different factors that you need to keep in mind to produce a good shoot. The most important one is aiming, but you can also apply spin to the ball in a variety of ways. This spin will make the ball react in different ways when it bounces off other balls or the table. The easy mode lets you simply work up your shot and then you can click on "shoot" to execute it. The expert mode, on top of that, adds a moving bar that you have to click on exactly in the middle for your shot to be accurate. The more difficult your shot is, the faster this bar will move.

There are a few game modes. You can play a quick 8-ball game or a custom game against the computer, or you can play against a friend online.

JF Senior editor
José Fernández
Editor rating:

Screenshots (8)

Review summary


  • Very realistic physics engine
  • Several modes
  • Online multiplayer along all platforms


  • None



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