With Pear Note you can create notes with text, audio, video, and slides.


Pear Note allows you to create notes that can include text, audio, video, and slides. The notes can contain as many characters as you want, and you can highlight any part of the text with different colors.

The formatting options of the text are very limited, but you will be able to select the desired font style, size and color. If you want to create a small list, you can use the "QuickList" option which will separate your ideas with bullets whenever you press "Enter".

The recordings can be paused and resumed at any minute, and you can select the recording speed. What is more, the notes can be saved as a web viewer file, so anyone can see them using any web browser. You can also post your notes on your website, MobileMe, or Dropbox. The program includes a search dialogue, which will allow you to search for any note by entering a keyword. Unfortunately, you won't be able to classify your notes in specific categories, assign them tags, colors, or anything.

Thus, if you are looking for a program that allows you to create notes with audio and video recordings, Pear Note may be a good choice.


  • You can add audio and video recordings
  • You can add slides
  • You can highlight text
  • Simple and easy to use


  • You cannot organize your notes in categories
  • A few formatting options
This program received 1 award
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