OK-Writer 1.4

word processor for children
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1.4 See all
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Used by 2 people
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OK-Writer is a word processor for Mac OS X that was designed with children and the vision-impaired in mind. Story windows have lots of big, friendly buttons that provide quick access to kids' favorite fonts, styles, and colors, as well as for saving, opening, and printing stories. Another button tells the Mac to read the story aloud to the child. OK-Writer can even recite the story as the child types it, letter-by-letter, word-by-word, sentence-by-sentence, or any combination of those!
As your child grows up, OK-Writer will grow with them. OK-Writer provides additional features tucked in the menu bar where they won't confuse younger children, but are available as your child matures. With a spell checker, find and replace, and support for adjustable tab stops, it will be years before your child outgrows OK-Writer!
OK-Writer was tested by children from ages 4 through 9, as well as by adults, so you know that anyone can figure it out -- even mom and dad! There's an extensive help system, written to be understood by older children, with a special section for grown ups to get additional information.
Although OK-Writer is shareware, there aren't any annoying reminders or crippled features -- we don't think it's right to confuse your child just to get you to pay for our software. Instead, we encourage you to pay the low shareware fee so we can continue to add new features to the software -- and we'll never hit you up for another fee for OK-Writer again! We also offer convenient site licenses for schools and similar institutions.
What's new in this version:
This new version adds support for full-screen mode, improves the look-and-feel of the application by adding support for retina displays and improved layout of document window features. I've also replaced the steel grey background in the editor windows with a friendly periwinkle blue, added modernized user interface elements such as the integrated find bar (for more advanced kids), and other improvements.

Screenshot (1)



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