A music reading quiz program for students and teachers.


A music reading quiz program for students and teachers.
Customizable Quizzes
- Choose between note and rhythm identification, and then set up your quiz exactly how you'd like.

Clefs, keys, accidentals, rhythmic values—it's all up to you.
Immediate Feedback
- If you get an answer wrong, Note-A-Lator will immediately draw it on a staff so that you can compare it to the correct answer.
- At the end of each quiz, Note-A-Lator shows you a report card. If you've had trouble with any particular part of the quiz, Note-A-Lator will let you know so that you can focus on it next time.
Create a Printable Quiz or Worksheet
- Create a note or rhythm identification quiz for a student to take home, or for a whole class. Each randomly generated quiz comes with an answer sheet to speed up grading or allow the students to check their own answers.

Electric Peel, LLC
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