Ideal for online meetings, Web presentations, webinars and more...


Mikogo is ideal for online meetings, Web presentations, webinars and more, the Beta version provides Mac users with a quick solution to start a meeting and invite both PC and other Mac users to view their screen in real-time over the Web.

Mikogo's cross-platform functionality also enables both Mac and PC users to join and view an online meeting which was started by a PC organizer.
Once a meeting has started and participants are viewing the organizer's screen, users of the new version can enjoy the following features:
- Screen sharing with up to 10 participants
- Switch presenter
- Participant pointer
- Pause of transmission
- Copy/paste/email meeting info
- Voice conferencing service
- Instant screen build-up

Graeme Hodgeson 8 years ago

This is the easiest way to start screen sharing between Macs, or from Mac to PC, or vice versa.