Meteorologist is a capable application for Mac that provides you with accurate weather forecast information for any area around the world. This Menu Bar tool keeps you informed with the latest weather alerts, current temperature, humidity level, wind speed, and many other weather details specific to the selected area.
In the City Editor you can create a list with the cities you wish to monitor for their weather reports and configure their individual forecast options. For each city, the app can display info like the current air temperature, dew point, humidity level, and much more.
The program also displays severe weather warnings for possible calamities in your local area, such as thunderstorms, tornadoes, floods, etc.
Only one thing didn't work properly about this tool in my testing: sometimes the app failed to display the proper radar image of the selected city or even crashed in the process.
As for the rest, Meteorologist offers adequate weather details regarding any selected area from Earth. This program offers you forecast info for the current day as well as next three days, displays prognoses for any city on your Menu bar, and comes free of charge.
View weather patterns all over the world, with real-time cloud cover and a 7-day forecast.
Battery Report creates detailed reports about your computer and any connected power sources.