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Meteoroid is a play-list style player for movie, audio and so on.
Plural windows can be shown.
You can toggle drawer (play-list) by pushing button or keyboard shortcut easily.
When you would like to add movies to play-list, you can choose some ways, push + button, command + O or drag and drop movie files from Finder.
Loop times of play-list is set by pop up button under play-list. Here you can choose 0 to 10 or infinity.
Aspect Ratio of current movie can be changed ‘keep’ or not.
If you’d like to change speed of playing movie, you can do with right slider. It is available from half a speed to three times a one.
In full screen view mode, mouse cursor would be hidden automatically until you move cursor.
Menu bar would be shown when cursor is in the upper part of window.
Movie controller would be shown when cursor is in the lower part of window.
If you install Perian or Flip4Mac plugins, Meteoroid would be able to play flv or wmv movies.
Meteoroid can play/pause movie also by space key.
Meteoroid uses HIDRemote - Copyright (c) 2007-2009 IOSPIRIT GmbH ( rights reserved.