Merlin 8.1

Plans, manages, shares and modifies projects.
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Latest version:
8.1.8 See all
37.7 MB
Used by 296 people
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Organize tasks and manage relevant files when working on a project of any type by creating or modifying a working environment in the management suite. It supports automated calculations of budget expenses and monitoring of timeframes. Contacts, LDAP and MS Entourage address management is available.

If you plan complex projects, you won’t get far with a simple list of tasks.
Good planning raises questions about the dependencies of activities on each other, the impact of delays on the project completion date, and budget planning. Here, a spreadsheet quickly runs up against its limitations.

These are precisely the answers Merlin Project provides you with to plan and implement projects with just a few mouse clicks. Have we whetted your appetite? Read on to learn about all the benefits of this truly magical software.

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Again, I cannot say I know this progam inside out. However, I have a couple of buddies who constantly work with this applications, and they told me it is one of the best applications of its type available on the market. Its major advantages are the wide use of visualization and mapping. Other than that, it fulfills all the functions that an average server program should. That, and a very modest price for a program of its kind, makes Merlin a very nice application to have.

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