Mystery Case Files: Dire Grove, Sacred Grove Collector's Edition tells the story of a detective who's investigating the mysterious events taking place in a town called Dire Grove. This hidden object adventure game brings a captivating plot filled with intriguing riddles, various scenes which you need to explore, and interesting characters to help you on the way.
Your adventure begins as soon as you reach the town's border where you're attacked by a vicious wolf. Local people will help you during your investigation by giving you directions and information regarding the recent events. All details will be stored within your journal and can be accessed at any time.
What's more, the app features a strategy guide that tells you how to complete each challenge of the game. However, I prefer challenging myself by solving the mini-games without its help.
Also, once you complete the main story and unravel the mystery in Dire Grove, you unlock an additional chapter.
Besides offering you exciting challenges and a captivating plot, the developers also worked really hard providing you with detailed and nicely-drawn graphics and cinematics.
To sum things up, you should definitely buy this hidden object game for your Mac if you're into solving puzzles on your free time.