MAUD stands for Material Analysis Using Diffraction. It is a general diffraction/reflectivity analysis program mainly based on the Rietveld method, but not limited to.
The main features are:
- Written in Java can run on Windows, MacOSX, Linux, Unix (need Java VM 1.6 or later)
- Easy to use, every action is controlled by a GUI
- Works with X-ray, synchrotron, Neutron, TOF
- Developed for Rietveld analysis, simultaneous multi spectra and different instruments/techniques supported
- Ab-initio structure solution integration, from peak finding, indexing to solving
- Different optimization algorithms available (LS, Evolutionary, Simulated Annealing, Metadynamics)
- Le Bail fitting
- Quantitative phase analysis
- Microstructure analysis (size-strain, anisotropy and distributions included)
- Texture and residual stress analysis using part or full spectra
- MEEM and superflip algorithm for Electron Density Maps and fitting
- Thin film and multilayer aware; film thickness and absorption models
- Reflectivity fitting by different models, from Parratt (Matrix) to Discrete Born Approximation
- Works with TEM diffraction images and electron scattering
- Several data files input formats
- Works and input images from 2D detectors (image plates, CCD)
- CIF compliance for input/output; import structures from databases