Search and manage your Skype chat history and Skype accounts.


Kudos Chat Search for Skype provides immediate access to any chat conversation you have had on Skype.

Who was I talking to, about what and when? Use powerful search to find by term, persons or date. How would you feel about losing your entire chat history? Feel secure with on-demand backup and restore of any of your Skype accounts. Export Skype chat history into CSV format. Delete specific Skype chat history. Search across all your Skype history, chats or conversations within a single Skype account or across multiple Skype accounts. Search a Skype account on any available networked location. Search for a specific term or phrase within all of your Skype chats or Skype IM's. Search for conversations with a specific person or a specific group of people. Search for Skype chat messages within a certain date. View and select matching Skype messages to zoom into that conversation. Sort search results by name or date. Open the conversation back in Skype to continue it. Backup Skype accounts or Skype chat history to any attached device. Restore Skype accounts or Skype conversation history from any attached device. Transfer Skype accounts or Skype chat history from one computer to another. Export Skype conversation history into plain text format. Manage Skype accounts and sync Skype accounts across multiple machines. Manage Skype chat history across multiple machines.

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