KeyBlaze 5.0

Improve your typing skills through a series of lessons, practices and games.
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5.0 See all
Used by 136 people
Awards: Mac Informer Editor Rating 4
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KeyBlaze helps you improve your typing skills. For this purpose, the tool uses a series of lessons, practice sessions, tests and even games. As a result, you should be able to improve your typing techniques and speed. Luckily, there is an introduction that helps you get started.

The application’s interface is quite easy to navigate, so there is no chance you can get lost. However, it feels somewhat dated. This is most noticeable in the games, which lack the visual appeal necessary to engage kids. Besides, the kind of animation used is extremely basic, and reminds me of those games back in the eighties.

Most of the activities and games are intended to teach you proper typing techniques, such as using the right finger for each key. In this regard, there is a visual keyboard that shows the keys currently being pressed.

Good news is that the application lets you create multiple user profiles. Moreover, it keeps track of your activity and achievements and shows your progress and scores in visual form. Consequently, you can see which areas need more attention and practice. In this respect, it is great that you can build custom lessons as well as set yourself goals, and once you achieve them, get a certificate. However, it would be good if I could synchronize my user data with other devices.

In short, KeyBlaze may be the right product if you are intending to improve your typing. As to this, you should know that its developers claim that it is based on the work of experts in this field. Luckily, the product has a free version including many of the lessons and other activities. Should you want to continue your training, there is the Plus version, which offers additional audio, video and documents. This upgrade is available in two paid licenses: Home and Commercial.

PC Senior editor
Pedro Castro
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Screenshots (9)

Review summary


  • Teaches proper typing techniques
  • Supports multiple user profiles
  • Allows creating custom lessons
  • Keeps track of your progress


  • Dated interface design
  • Unengaging games
  • Basic animation in games
  • Does not support syncing progress data


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