GameSalad is a utility targeted at those who want to create games but who are tired of coding. It is meant to support designers and anyone with game ideas in creating games for various platforms, respectively iPod, iPad, Kindle, MacBook, with the use of tools, drag and drop functionality, editors and without coding.
The utility offers a set of games that users can develop or they can build their own game entirely. The editor is organized into four tabs: one for inputting general project info (title, platform, description, instructions, tags), and the others for building and editing scenes, actors and tables. When editing scenes, users can choose from a variety of behaviors to assign to the actors they are working with. Such actions can be: accelerate, change size, change velocity, control camera, display text, group, move, pause game, play sound, rotate, unpause game and others. Each behavior is explained in a separate pane next to the behavior menu so that users can understand their options well. Custom behaviors can also be created and several actor attributes can be edited.
GameSalad is a utility that is meant to help users to turn their ideas into practice, respectively into games, in an easier manner than by coding. Varied game genres and styles can be approached with the utility by making use of editors and tools and by customizing tools and actions.