Uploading files directly to your computer is a cinch with the UPLOAD Plug-in.

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Uploading files directly to your computer is a cinch with the UPLOAD Plug-in. Whether you're on a Mac or a PC, uploading is as simple as selecting, dragging and dropping files from your desktop or from iTunes into the Uploader, and Voila!

The files are sent, one-at-a-time to your DOT.TUNES server.
An additional feature of UPLOAD, which is only available for Mac users, automatically adds uploaded files directly to iTunes once they arrive.
UPLOAD is a must have for DOT.TUNES users who are constantly on the go, and frequently have the need to add content remotely. UPLOAD is also great if you regularly receive submissions from artists, producers, clients and the like, and you need to provide a secure means of sending and receiving content.

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