Desktop Poems is a creativity tool that puts words on your desktop.

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Desktop Poems is a creativity tool that puts words on your desktop. You probably have seen those magnets you can put on your refrigerator with different words on them.

You re-arrange them to your liking to form phrases, sentences and even short poems. Desktop Poems works the same way, but instead of magnets and refrigerators, it uses small images and your desktop or screen. When you run Desktop Poems, you will see the app on your Dock, but nothing will happen. To start playing with words, you have to click on the File menu and add new words. You can add a single word at a time or five, and you can even use a word list. You can also use hotkeys to add new words. All of the words will be semi-transparent by default, but you can change this from the menus, as well. You can make them fully transparent (they disappear) or disable transparency.

After you have added the number of words that you need, you can re-arrange them by dragging them around with your mouse. The words are random, so you might need to add a large number of words before you can make a sentence that makes sense. With 10 or so words, the best sentence that I could create was "You sock them".

In short, Desktop Poems is a very useful, free creativity aid.


  • It supports both random words and word lists


  • None
This program received 1 award
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Fredrik Olsson
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